Stephen Kavanaugh: Ditching the 9-5, the Call of the Oyster (the Savior of Humanity), and Marine Health Foods.

Hey Reader,

Happy Water Wednesday-- it's a podcast drop day! Woohoo!

Stephen Kavanaugh joins us on the show today. After graduating college, he followed his dream of becoming a field biologist, trekking through the wild Alaskan frontier. When it was time to return home to Ireland, Stephen looked around and saw the lack of a job market for a marine biologist, and decided to create his own– with oysters.

In this episode you'll learn:

  • How oysters have been used for thousands of years-- not just as food.
  • Why these little bivalved creatures are credited with saving humanity
  • The mindset needed to make big, bold moves in a career

and so much more!

As always, I'd love to hear from you! Leave a comment in the show notes, or hit reply to this email. I read 'em all!

Fair weather and following seas,

Kara Grace

P.S. If you're looking to either start your career or looking to make a change– this is for you.

The doors to my program, Steer Your Course, are opening at the end of this month. This is the program to cut through the noise and finally land your dream job.

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t go to a fancy school

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a perfect work history

It doesn’t matter if you have limited or the “wrong” experience.

It doesn’t even matter if you have no idea what your dream job would be.

That’s what Steer Your Course is for. If you’re ready to stop settling for “fine” and start getting excited about Monday mornings– hop on the waitlist and be the first to know when the doors will open.

Kara Muzia

Diving into the connection between the land, the sea, and us through my newsletter and #1 ranked podcast, So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist.