Where attention goes... 🌺

A river running through a lush green forest

Dear Reader,

I was speaking with a client recently who knew, very clearly, what she didn’t want.

  • She didn’t want to be stuck doing this same job anymore.
  • She didn’t want to be identified by what she did for work.
  • She definitely didn’t want to lose her paycheck.

“That’s great,” I said. “But what is it that you do want?”

It took most of the rest of our session together to work it out. At the end, there were some very general checkboxes that began to feel like guiding lights.

  • A flexible schedule
  • Work that gave back to the community
  • Pay that would more than adequately cover her living arrangements and the lifestyle she’s building towards.

So often we get mired in the “I don’t like this” that we forget to pay attention to what it is that we do like, what we want to create and cultivate more of in our own lives.


Where your attention flows, your life goes. If we’re constantly focusing on the negative, it’s like adding fertilizer to an old world climbing vine— it will wind its stalk around every piece of your life and smother it.


On the other hand, if we pay attention to what we do want, what we like, and cultivating more of it, it’s like sprinkling water and sunshine on brightly colored flowers— they bloom.

The doors to my signature group program Steer Your Course will be open later this month. If you're ready to get clear on the job that you want, and learn the strategies to actually get it, this is for you.
Click here to get on the waitlist.​

Big hugs,

From the podcast

Farmer, fisherman, and founder of Smoke in Chimneys, Ty Walker joins us on the show. After living in LA and following his calling as a DJ, Ty returned to his farming roots in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. It’s there that he charted a new path for himself and his young family– in aquaculture.

Ty shares how he navigated these big life changes, even when his family wasn’t on board. He also shares how he purchased a hundred year old hatchery– and learned how to run it from scratch, creating a truly sustainable product sought after by chefs and consumers alike.

Want to go deeper?

Back to Nature

Getting outside is vital to our health and the health of the planet. The cool part is, to reap the benefits, you only need a few minutes a day. This course is designed to be fun and easy to do-- and perhaps spark an adventure or two.


Steer Your Course

Re-opening in 2025: Release the shackles of uncertainty. Say goodbye to stuck spirals and the idea of "some day." Side effects of this program include confidence, clarity, and a sense of purpose.




2222, Port Salerno, FL 34997
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Kara Muzia

Diving into the connection between the land, the sea, and us through my newsletter and #1 ranked podcast, So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist.